Luster Dust finishes your project with a bright sheen and glittery metallic look. Luster Dust contains only ingredients that are non-toxic and are ideal for use with gum paste or rolled fondant. Intended for use in the dry form, Luster Dust can also be mixed with oil-based flavorings or alcohol for painting and highlighting.
หมวดหมู่ : ALL PRODUCT ,  สีผสมอาหาร Food Coloring ,  ประเภทสีผง ที่มีความวิ้งๆวาวๆ เป็นประกาย ,  สีผง Luster Dust USA. , 
Easy to use, just brush onto your decoration with a soft artist brush.
ใช้ปัดแบบbrush on หรือผสมวอดก้า ห้ามผสมน้ำเด็ดขาด
Mix with a few drops of alcohol such as vanilla extract, lemon extract, or vodka.
If you add to much liquid,
your icing will dissolve when you try to apply it.
If you add too little, your paint will be chunky.